Brand & Category Portfolio

Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail and personalized service has ensured a loyal list of patrons since inception. With Hazel being our in-house brand and having partnered with established brands like Milton, Godrej, Hawkins, Borosil, Futura, Rolex, Magnus, Kitchen Essentials , Vinod Cookware, Sizzle, Aristo, Steel Lock among others. We are focused on offering products that are based on thoughtful consideration of the stated and unstated consumer needs and preferences.



In addition to rethinking existing products, we constantly challenge ourselves to offer new products in current categories and imagine the possibilities of what’s yet to come. So you will find that Kitchenware of today is no longer just about pots and pans, there’s a whole gamut of products that are highly in demand.
Take for instance our huge range of Modern Cookware, Multi-functional Containers, Popular Bakeware and Contemporary Cutlery among others. Simply put, our scalable innovation model is designed for repeated, consistent success across our broad portfolio of brands.